Rigid Stem Exhaust Thermometer DN63 Type A79
Rigid Stem thermometer, DN 63
- All stainless steel
- Robust construction
- Resistant to corrosion vibrations, wear and tear
- Stem bottom or rear
- Quick response time
- Good accuracy, class 1
- Ambient temperature 100°C (option 140°C)
- Range from -80 to +500°C
Rigid Stem Exhaust Thermometer DN63 Type A79
TEMPRESS gas filled thermometers, type A78 are designed for all industrial and marine applications where a high quality instrument is required.
The construction can withstand strong vibrations and a harsh environment.
The filling medium is an inert gas 100% environmentally neutral.
The thermometer is normally installed by means of a compression connector (nipple, union or pocket). This secures great flexibility as the immersion length can easily be adjusted as desired. A fixed union with welded retaining ring is also available.
Each and every thermometer has been manufactured with great care and is hand calibrated. The high quality of TEMPRESS instruments secures an instrument with great accuracy, long life and mechanical duration.
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