Angle Sensor with Integrated 4-20 mA Signal Output Type OPF
OPF is a non contact photoelectric potentiometer
- Developed as a servo system
- The mechanical design secures the friction resistance is kept at a minimun and with a unique linearity. The repeatability is less than 1% on the full range (270 <°).
- The unique sensing system in the OPF secures a reliable measuring signal even under extreme conditions such as high vibration level repeated cycles over the same working area.
- ATEX and IECEx Approved
Angle Sensor with Integrated 4-20 mA Signal Output Type OPF
Connection – and adjustment guide
- The terminals on the OPF are meant for soldering. Supply line (+) connect to “2”, the signal line (-)
- Are connected in series with the load resistance RL Which can achieve the following value: RL max =(Vcc –14V)/20 mA
- Note: The supply voltage at 20 mA Load
The potentiometer:
The OPF can be adjusted for zero and span on top of the cover.
The jumpers
When loosen the screw on the side of the cover the two jumpers
to change the direction and main measuring area. CCW
To change the direction, the double jumpers are replaced as shown
on the sketch. (CW and CCW ).
- The OPF is mounted directly with the axels which are shown or it can be mounted on a fixture like the one on the sketch.
The mechanical 0-adjustment
- The axel are adjusted roughly when the OPF is fixed to the object, for the (0-dot) on the axel to be aligned to the dot on the housing.
Electronic adjustment
- After the electric connection is made, the fine adjustment can be performed. 0-point adjustment is made by means of the ZERO-screw when the axel-adjustment is 4 mA and the rotating-angle is 0°. The measuring area is adjusted by turning the SPAN screw in order for the current signal to be 20 mA at the wanted max rotating angle. It can be necessary to repeat the adjustment a couple of times to achieve the precise values 4-20mA.
- 4mA is found on two areas on a turning direction. Check that the 4 mA signal works in accordance with the “correct” 0 point. Turn the axel in the chosen direction and make sure that the rising signal is linear from 4mA at 0° and 20 mA at the choosen axel position. If the signal is rising or falling rapidly the 0-point are to adjusted again acording to the former instruction.
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Single contact
(1 contact point)
Avaliable contact types:

Contact Function : Break
Contact Function : Close
Contact Function : Shift
Contact Function Separate Circuits : Break
Contact Function Separate Circuits : Close
Double contact
(2 contact points)
Avaliable contact types:

Shift contact
(2 contact points switch function)
Avaliable contact types:
KN and KM

Double contact
(2 contact pointers seperate Circuits)
Avaliable contact types:
KN and KM

Triple contact
(3 contact pointers)
Avaliable contact types:
KN and KM

Triple contact
(3 contact pointers)
Avaliable contact types:
KN and KM

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